Quick Start Installation

Getting started with Montag is quick and easy, Montag is currently only shipped as a docker container, and our quickstart compose file includes all of the things you need to get started.


  1. A Montag license key - these can be obtained by filling out the access form on our website
  2. Docker - Install Docker

Step 1: Clone the quickstart repo

git clone https://github.com/TykTechnologies/Montag-quickstart.git

Step 2: Start the quickstart

cd Montag-quickstart
nano .env # edit the .env file to add your license key (and OpenAI key - optional)
docker-compose up

Step 3: Open the UI

Visit the UI at http://localhost:8080, and log in with the default admin user: [email protected], password: admin.

Congratulations! You now have a fully self-hosted Montag instance running, and you can start creating bots and prompts.

What’s running?

The quickstart docker-compose file includes the following services:

  1. montag * the application server (required).
  2. embed_server - a Montag python service that can run any transformer-capable embedding model from HuggingFace (Montag is pre-configured for mpnet-v2).
  3. yt_getter - a service for fetching YouTube video metadata.
  4. friday - A Montag web crawler for scheduling and ingesting website content data automatically.
  5. chromadb - an open source vector database.
  6. postgres - a database for storing configurations and log data.
  7. rod - An open source headless web browser used by Friday to crawl target sites.

Not all of these are required, but they do make up the entire of the Montag stack. You can remove any of these services from the docker-compose file if you don’t need them except for Montag itself (for example if no Postgres is configured, Montag will fallback to SQLite).

Improve RAG Performance

Optionally, for improved RAG performance, enable the reranker service in the compose.yaml file and the relevant environment variables in the .env file.