The Montag dashboard is the first screen you will see in the UI for Montag, it contains three main sections: Overall analytics, Conversation and bot overview, and AI portal analytics.

Overall Analytics

The overall analytics section contains two charts that show the overall usage activity of the system, currently there are two charts:

  1. Bot Activity: How many messages in aggregate have been processed by the bots running on the platform
  2. AI Function Activity: How many times have AI functions been called

Conversation and Bot Overview

This overview shows the latest bot chat history and a list of of Bots and their status. Here you can quickly start and stop a bot, or review what the bot and users have been talking about.

AI Portal Analytics

The AI Portal analytics shows the latest analytics for any tokens that have been provisioned by the AI portal. These analytics are related to your user account, and are not shared with other users.

The Apps section shows what apps you have registered in the AI portal.

This section is primarily intended for AI developers, not for Montag admins, however both user types have access to this functionality.